Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Swear on the Bibliography

You don't need a bibliography for writing memoirs or verse. It's not wanted in potboilers or experimental short stories. No matter how print magazines' fortunes are still dependent on people not losing their taste for paper, they're not listing other publications at the back of theirs.

Marxist hermeneutics is the kind of thing Right wing commentators pounce on; not so they can complete a dissertation rebuffing the arguments in the text. Why would you go to all that trouble when you can launch into a rant about the influence of commie professors on impressionable young minds?
They haven't bothered so why should we. Instead let's look at a bibliography that at least touches on the subject.

In what is becoming a familiar disclaimer, a bibliography can just as readily be about the progress of sandalwood cutters out west or an account of what it was like to live in a house where the walls and the roof were galvinised iron. In these examples, there's an academic remove: someone writing about previous essays on AB Facey rather than works by Albert Facey.


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